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Monthly EVENTS

AWAR has a long history of monthly meetings in select lunch, dinner, or cocktail venues. We often host a guest speaker to entertain members, and past speakers have included ambassadors, artists, authors, doctors, economists, journalists, film personalities, and professors.


Activities & Clubs

Are you interested in games? Are you a book nerd? Food lover or fashionista? AWAR has something for everyone. Check our calendar for details!


Food & Wine


We meet once a month at a restaurant or bar around the city to unwind after work. See the calendar for listings.

Morning Coffee

If mornings are more your speed, check the calendar for our monthly coffee gatherings. Come to chat and sip a cappuccino at a central venue like Babette's or Babington's.

Wine Tasting Group

Led by an accredited sommelier, the wine appreciation group meets once monthly. They’re a great opportunity to learn about and taste wines of excellent quality. Significant others and guests are welcome. After events are announced, reservations can be made through the AWAR website.


Wendy Holloway

Taste the World Lunch

This group meets on the second Thursday of each month to try a new restaurant with an international flavor. Do you have a restaurant suggestion? Send it along!


Wendy Holloway



Burraco is a very popular card game, similar to Canasta, played all over Italy for pleasure and competition. AWAR's group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month to play and enjoy a potluck lunch. Guests are welcome.


Tina Grasso


Bridge game gatherings are organized in a similar fashion as Burraco.


Mahjong gatherings are organized in a similar fashion as Burraco.


This Scrabble gathering meets on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month to play, socialize, and enjoy a potluck meal. Guests are welcome. Contact to join.


Caryn Hofberg

Hobby Clubs

Book Club

The Ex Libris Book Club meets virtually once a month via Zoom, usually on the fourth Monday of each month, at 5:30pm. The reading list is chosen several months in advance by group participants and includes prize-winning titles and books that have received good reviews or that are pertinent to the moment, as well as the occasional classic. Each month, a group member gives a short presentation about the chosen book and author before a general discussion. 


Pat Fogarty

Film Discussion

The Film Group meets virtually every month to explore a film in depth. They gather on Zoom at 6pm, usually on the first Wednesday of the month. Before the meeting, each participant views the film on her own. No reservation necessary, just ask for the Zoom link.


Jeanne Mardock

Knitting  Club

The Knitting Club meets every month under the instruction of Rita Horowitz Beeri, who started knitting at age eight and has picked up influences in Italy, Ireland and Scotland. Using many modern techniques, she'll share her enthusiasm and knowledge with  beginners or those looking to refine their skills.


Caryn Hofberg

Around Rome

Italian Glamour

Offering exclusive opportunities for AWAR members to learn about and experience Italian style, this group visits Italian ateliers and meets with designers and fashion experts. Contact to reserve.


Barbara Gurawska

Walking/Hiking Group

Two to three hour walks (and hikes), in both urban and country settings, once per month. Anyone with reasonable stamina will be comfortable participating, and spouses are welcome to join. The goals are exercise, fresh air, gorgeous views, and good company. The walks usually conclude with a bite to eat, after working up an appetite on the footpaths. Look for announcements on Resources!

Italian Conversation

Vieni a parlare italiano! This is not a lesson, but a chance to get together and practice your language skills with fellow members, whatever your skill level. The group gathers at a member's home once or twice a month.


Sara Kranwinkle

Outside of Rome

Discovering Sabina

Discovering Sabina is an activity group created and run by Julia Griner who lives in the heart of this territory. Sabina is the area just north east of Rome in the lower part of the Rieti region of Lazio. It is known primarily for its historic olive oil production going back 2500 years. The Sabine hills offer nature (mountains to hike and waterways to explore), culture (abbeys, Roman villas and Borghi più Belli D’Italia) and artisans (weavers, ceramicists, cheesemakers, apiculture and more) just waiting to be discovered.

The goal of this group is to offer AWAR members a variety of activities, once per month, that get you out of Rome for a day of adventure, learning and fun. 99% of outings will be on weekends to accommodate working women and families when the excursion is appropriate for kids too.

I invite all to join me in Discovering (my) Sabina! Look for announcements on Resources.


Julia Griner

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